Group License Features

Streamline the way you manage licenses and foster collaboration with Multisim Live's Group Licenses Manager.

Perfect for educators and organizations, Group Licenses offers streamlined licensed management, enhanced tools for group management, collaboration, and cost savings with bulk discounts.

Centralized License management

Streamline the process of purchasing, assigning, and managing licenses for your team or class. With just a few clicks, you can acquire the exact number of licenses needed, distribute them to your group members, and oversee their usage all from a centralized license group.

Share and Collaborate

Foster an environment of collaboration and idea exchange among students or team members by leveraging the power of shared circuits and discussions within your group. Simplify teamwork on projects, enable meaningful contributions to discussions, and facilitate seamless collaboration on designs, all within one cohesive platform.

Bulk discounts

Maximize your budget while delivering top-tier circuit simulation tools for your students and team. With our automatically applied discounts, you can ensure everyone has access to high-quality resources at a discounted price.