\ = NS LM555
- = NE555 et al.
The DISCHARGE circuit (consisting of BJT, base resistor, and collector/output pull-up resistor) is excluded due to # of components limitation. The circuit Single-Supply (+5 V) Model Of 555 Timer includes a simplified model of the DISCHARGE circuit.
For simplicity a comparator is also used to model the RESET input. The RESET circuit of a real 555 Timer will have a large deviation from this almost ideal comparator.
The circuit is saved with dual power supply but it can operate with single power supply.
For 5 kΩ reference divider resistors these values can be used:
4.99 kΩ ±1%, 5.11 kΩ ±1%
5.11 kΩ ±2%
5.1 kΩ ±5%
Generally, highly accurate value of these resistors will not be needed.
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