NAND Gate Using NOR Gate

NAND Gate Using NOR Gate

Circuit Description

Graph image for NAND Gate Using NOR Gate

Circuit Graph

Description: NAND and NOR gates possess a special property: they are universal. That is, given enough gates, either type of gate is able to mimic the operation of any other gate type. For example, it is possible to build a circuit exhibiting the OR function using three interconnected NAND gates. The ability for a single gate type to be able to mimic any other gate type is one enjoyed only by the NAND and the NOR. In fact, digital control systems have been designed around nothing but either NAND or NOR gates, all the necessary logic functions being derived from collections of interconnected NANDs or NORs. Procedure: 1. Connect the inputs to the input switches. Four NOR gates are used to implement NAND gate. Two inputs are given to the gate: First input is given as input to both input terminals of First NOR gate and second input is given as input to both input terminals of second NOR gate. 2. Connect the outputs to the switches of output LEDs. 3. Apply various combinations of inputs according to the truth table and observe the condition of LEDs. 4. Note down the corresponding output readings for various combinations of inputs. Observation: 1. Output from NOR gate 1 and NOR gate 2 are given as input to third NOR gate. 2. Output from third NOR gate is given as input to both input terminals of fourth NOR gate. 4. Output from fourth NOR gate will be equivalent to NAND gate. Conclusion: Study of simulation of NAND Gate using NOR gate has been verified.

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NAND Gate Using NOR Gate




7 Circuits

Date Created

2 years, 1 month ago

Last Modified

2 years ago


  • nand gate
  • nor gate