555 Timer Non-PWM Servo Motor Controller from NE543 Datasheet

555 Timer Non-PWM Servo Motor Controller from NE543 Datasheet

Circuit Description

Graph image for 555 Timer Non-PWM Servo Motor Controller from NE543 Datasheet

Circuit Graph

This is a 555 Timer Servo Motor Remote Position Transmitter from NE543 SERVO AMPLIFIER (Servo Amplifier and Pulse Width Demodulator) Datasheet. This is for 60 Hz servo motors with 1.5 ms ±0.5 ms pulse range. As described in the datasheet, "The servo output moves over 100 degrees for pulses between 1 and 2ms. The pulses occur at 16 ms intervals." The NE543 has the following supply voltage limits Minimum = 3.6 V Typical = 4.8 V Maximum = 6.0 V so the circuit is most likely designed for a 5 V system. Note: This circuit uses 1N4148 for D1 instead of the 1N457 in NE543's datasheet. The latter is not available in Free Subscription version of Multisim Live.

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11 Circuits

Date Created

3 years, 1 month ago

Last Modified

3 years, 1 month ago


  • 555 servo motor controller
  • 555 servo controller
  • 555 servo motor positioner
  • 555 timer servo motor controller
  • 555 timer servo motor remote positioner
  • 555 timer servo motor positioner
  • 555 servo motor remote positioner
  • 555 timer servo motor position transmitter
  • 555 timer servo controller
  • 555 servo motor remote position transmitter

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