This is a Current-Controlled Current Source using an operational amplifier, the output is delivered to a grounded load.
The output/load current is equal to the current that flows through the feedback resistance to the noninverting terminal,
Iload = Ifp.
The current through Rfp is equal to the voltage across it divided by its resistance,
Iload = Ifp = Vfp / Rfp.
The voltage across Rfp is equal to the voltage drop across the feedback resistance to the inverting terminal,
Iload = Ifp = Vfp / Rfp = (Vfn) / Rfp.
The voltage drop across Rfn is equal to the the current through it multiplied by its resistance
Iload = Ifp = Vfp / Rfp = [(Ifn)(Rfn)] / Rfp.
The current through Rfn is equal to the input current Iin,
Iload = Ifp = Vfp / Rfp = [(Iin)( Rfn)] / Rfp.
The output current is simply the input current scaled by the ratio of the feedback resistances to the inverting and noninverting terminals,
Iload = ( Rfn / Rfp) (Iin).
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