This is the CMOS counterpart of 'MOSFET Active Voltage Divider'.
With the saved values the power supply voltage is equal to 5 V. It is desired to have an output voltage of 1.5 V.
Id1 = Id2
½ KP1 [(W/L)1] (Vgs1 - VTO1)² = ½ KP2 [(W/L)2] (Vgs2 - VTO2)²
[(W/L)1] (Vgs1 - VTO1)² = [(W/L)2] (Vgs2 - VTO2)²
[(W/L)1] / [(W/L)2] = (Vgs2 - VTO2)² / (Vgs1 - VTO1)²
[(W/L)1] / [(W/L)2] = (3.5 V - 1 V)² / (1.5 V - 1 V)²
[(W/L)1] / [(W/L)2] = (2.5)² / (0.5)²
[(W/L)1] / [(W/L)2] = (5/2)² / (1/2)²
[(W/L)1] / [(W/L)2] = (25/4) / (1/4)
[(W/L)1] / [(W/L)2] = 25
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