Differential Amplifier

Differential Amplifier

Circuit Description

Graph image for Differential Amplifier

Circuit Graph

The circuit shows a DC Circuit that works regardless of the orientation of the power source. The capacitor depicts the polarized capacitors which get quickly damaged by application of voltage having a reverse polarity. The LED gets lit when a proper polarity is applied and turns off otherwise. Moreover, the LED can go into reverse breakdown since their reverse breakdown voltage is typically low. The voltage-controlled voltage source and the lamp simulates a lamp that can be damaged by the application of incorrect polarity. An undesirable effect of this protection scheme is the voltage loss due to a diode's forward voltage. To minimize the voltage loss a Schottky diode should be used in this application. If this reduced voltage loss is still intolerable mechanically polarized power connectors should be considered. To bypass the diodes and observe the effect of incorrect polarity switch Sdircona should be thrown UP and Sdirconb should be thrown DOWN.

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15 Circuits

Date Created

3 years, 9 months ago

Last Modified

3 years, 9 months ago


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