Resistor Cube (Flattened)

Resistor Cube (Flattened)

Circuit Description

Graph image for Resistor Cube (Flattened)

Circuit Graph

This is the classic Resistor Cube drawn in a flattened diagram for probing in Multisim. The resistor designations are: Rtft = cube top face top edge resistor Rtfr = cube top face right edge resistor Rtfb = cube top face bottom edge resistor Rtfl = cube top face left edge resistor Rvtl = cube top left vertical edge resistor Rvtr = cube top right vertical edge resistor Rvbr = cube bottom right vertical edge resistor Rvbl = cube bottom left vertical edge resistor Rbft = cube bottom face top edge resistor Rbfr = cube bottom face right edge resistor Rbfb = cube bottom face bottom edge resistor Rbfl = cube bottom face left edge resistor The current probes show how current divides in branches relevant to a chosen path where KVL will be applied. Voltage probes are placed at the relevant nodes. KVL can be done through Rtfl, Rtfb and Rvbr or Rtft, Rtfr and Rvbr. The resistance of the cube is numerically equal to the reading at voltage probe PR12 and is equal to (5/6) Ω or 0.83333333333333333333333333333333 Ω. Refer to the circuit 'Resistor Cube (Redrawn For More Discernible Symmetry)' for comparison.

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2 Circuits

Date Created

3 years, 9 months ago

Last Modified

3 years, 9 months ago


  • resistive network
  • resistor network
  • star
  • resistor cube
  • resistance cube
  • source transformation
  • tee
  • wye
  • delta
  • pi

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