DC sweep performs a sequence of DC operating point simulations. It increments the voltage or current of a selected source in predefined steps over a range of values. DC sweep can be used with any source that includes a DC offset variable.
An optional second source can also be used to run a nested sweep.
During simulation:
Sweeping a single source
The following is a simple Zener regulator circuit where the diode maintains a nearly constant breakdown or Zener voltage as the current through it changes. In this case, the Zener voltage is 5 V.
You can build this circuit, or open it from the Help Circuits user group and save your own copy. This is a closed group. You can open and copy the circuits in this group, but you cannot join it.
Set up and run the sweep:
You can switch on cursors to get more information. X axis, Y axis and Track cursors are available for DC sweep simulation.
In the following example, X Axis is selected from the Type drop-down menu, in Cursors.
The table displays the X and Y axis values for Cursor 1. Similar values are displayed for Cursor 2.
The third column of the table displays ΔX = X2 - X1.
The fourth column displays 1/ΔX.
Notice how the data in the table changes when you select Y Axis for the cursor Type:
When Track is selected as the cursor Type, the table contains data similar to the following:
Nested sweeps
Nested sweeps are useful for measuring a transistor's characteristic current-voltage, I-V, curves, as demonstrated below.
You can build this circuit (I-V curves), or make a copy of it from the Help Circuits user group.
Set up and run the sweep:
You can switch on cursors to get more information. X axis, Y axis and Track cursors are available for nested DC sweep simulations.
In the following example, X Axis is selected from the Type drop-down menu, in Cursors.
The table displays the X and Y axis values for Cursor 1. Similar values are displayed for Cursor 2.
The third column of the table displays ΔX = X2 - X1.
The fourth column displays 1/ΔX.
You can change which of the nested sweeps a cursor reads by selecting it from the second drop-down. In the example below, Cursor 1 reads the data from PR1 for the sweep when I1 = 0 A.
Notice how the data in the table changes when you select Y Axis for the cursor Type:
When Track is selected as the cursor Type, the table contains data similar to the following: